Creator of the renowned comic strip “Bizarro,” Dan Piraro, has made a name for himself in the humor industry with his unique style of wit, satire, and surrealism. Ever since its launch in 1985, “Bizarro” has persistently challenged the conventions of traditional comic strip humor, providing readers with a novel and sardonic perspective on the absurdities of daily life.
Humor Comics
The unconventional comedy and surrealistic artwork of Dan Piraro’s Bizarro comics are well-known. What makes these comics distinct and enjoyable are the often humorous societal commentary and bizarre scenarios.
Come explore strange and funny situations that range from talking animals making witty comebacks to fantastical takes on common situations. Prepare for a humorous voyage that will tickle your funny bone as you explore the bizarre world of Bizarro comics.
Credit Dan Piraro
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Incredible sense of humour
I just love it
I used to draw cartoons when I was younger
Much wits in all of them got two groups and i post most of the cartoons
Far side..