Perfectly Accurate Pics And Memes That Capture What It’s Like Living With Cats

Perfectly Accurate Pics And Memes That Capture What It’s Like Living With Cats

In the age of Twitter and Instagram, cats are finally getting the spotlight they deserve. But what’s life like for people who love their feline friends in real life? Writer Shannon Vestal shares her experience of living with cats in this essay.

Cats are known to be extremely independent animals. But they are also affectionate and playful. They offer a lot of love and attention when they want to. In this article, we will be looking at some hysterical memes that perfectly capture the life of a cat owner. They will make you laugh out loud and remind you why it’s so fun to live with cats.

We hope that these memes will make you appreciate your cat more the next time they do something adorable, like snuggle up on your lap in front of the TV or stare intently at something across the room for five minutes before getting up and walking away.












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