Old age is a stage in life where everything becomes more calm and even each day seems to be more so. But for Grandma, it’s a time to laugh and make people laugh too. At 80 years she can be seen drawing funny cartoons to the delight of those who see them. Her work is basic and familiar, and most of the time, she draws from her everyday experience. She is always the protagonist, and her drawings reveal a humoristic vision about aging. If you want to know about her then please read the whole blog.
Old Lady’s Observations
Grandma wakes up early in the morning and does not make much noise in the morning. It likes to have a hot drink and spend some minutes thinking about what has occurred on the day. She notices the things that many people would not pay attention to. He has a large collection of cartoons that he creates from day to day incidences like the ones mentioned above. She likes to draw the humorous aspect of life and its objects. Every mishap or an incident that she does not plan for can be a subject for her sketches. Her cartoons are mostly drawn from life, the every day life, and aspects of life in old age.
When the day progresses, Grandma continues her normal activities. She stays at home, goes to the market, or goes for a walk. Every activity she does she gets new ideas on what she can draw in her cartoons. She observes the environment and has to laugh at everything she sees. Some of the things which other people might find irritating such as dropping something or forgetting where the glasses are left become part of her stories. For her, these are not the issues that need to be solved, these are the funny incidents that should be posted. If you are also an old person then must watch her 20 best cartoons.
Credit: Pinterest
#1. Find beauty in simplest things

#2. Life begin when we decide to stop


#4. Looks a challenge in the eye

#5. We are living in some dark wicked days

#6. Morning filled with motivation

In the evening, Joy’s grandma Joy sits down to draw. She makes her thoughts and events in her life to form cartoons. Every character is depicted as a happy and joyful version of her in each sketch. Her drawings are quite basic but the characters she draws are lively. She likes the humor that comes with making her older self fall, reason with her wisdom or simply be caught at a funny time. She draws what is happening to her every day, but with a touch of humor that makes them unique.
#7. My bed is calling

#8. How much I missed her

#9. It has been a long day

#10. I support renewable energy

#11. People are not really dating

#12. Stop wearing after the age of sixty

#13. Life is better when you are laughing

#14. Dream don’t have an expiration date

Her cartoons shows that there is no reason for old age to be filled with sorrow, stagnation, and misery. She loves life and tries to have fun and look for something good in every day and every situation. What Grandma’s life has shown us is that it is never wrong to laugh, at any age in our lives. She guides us to the light and makes us see the funny side of life and then spread it around. By her cartoons she has demonstrated that even the most embarrassing incidents can make the most joyful expressions. More such cartoons are provided here and here.
#15. Peace and love guide your way

#16. May your day unfold with peace

#17. Don’t wait for someone

#18. Some people want material things

#19. A grandparent’s prayer

#20. They are always in her prayers

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