19 Funny Comics That Will Brighten Your Senses

Humor Comics: The author of “Rubes,” Leigh Rubin, has created a universe in which animals take center stage and offer astute, frequently humorous commentary on the human condition. Rubin’s creations are replete with priceless moments of humor, as evidenced by the strip’s name, which is a play on the word “ruby.”

Humor Comics

Renowned comic book creator Leigh Rubin has won over fans with his ability to draw comics that feature absurdly humorous scenarios. Here, we’ll look at 19 of Rubin’s hilarious comics that will have you in stitches.

Rubin distinguishes his comics from others with his distinct artistic style and sharp humor. Language barriers don’t stop the humor in each comic as each relatable scenario is given a humorous twist. Rubin’s imagination is endless, whether it be through anthropomorphic animals having humorous conversations or commonplace objects adopting strange new roles.

Credit Leigh Rubin

More info instagram | facebook | rubescartoons.com




















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