The Funniest Internet Famous Cat Pics Get Illustrated By Catwheezie

The site’s illustrators said that the illustrations were a challenge to draw because they had to be as “vaguely accurate” as possible. According to the artist, this means that you can only see hints of the cat’s features but can still discern what it is. That’s why, for example, there are cats with a lot of hair under their chin and no visible eyes, or one with just one ear, or maybe an extra paw sticking out from behind them.

Catwheezie, an illustrator from Portland, Oregon, has illustrated some of the internet’s most famous cat pictures. The original photos of the cats are a little blurry and don’t show many details. Catwheezie takes these hazy images and turns them into full-fledged illustrations. 

Readers are looking for hilarious cat pics on the internet, so Catwheezie created illustrations to turn them into comic strips. Readers will be able to scroll through a library of Catwheezie’s comics and search by keyword, like “cat jokes” and “cat puns.”



Famous Cat


Famous Cat


Famous Cat



Famous Cat


Famous Cat



Famous Cat


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