An Old Grandmother Makes Everyone Laugh With Her Fabulous 20 Cartoons

Humans these days have no way of ever expecting what life may throw at them. Sometimes the passions that were left behind during the youth follow a person in various transformed forms. This article portrays a funny story of one grandmother who finally got to turn childhood doodling into an art and to make so many people laugh and smile. From her cartoons, one can easily identify humorously everyday life situations and that, no one gets old in creating witty cartoons.

Grandmother’s Jokes

She lives with her grandchildren. Years went by and one day her children became young adults and they all left home. The house adopted some level of quietness, and she was left with much idle time than she had ever wanted. One day, when she was dusting from a cupboard, she came across her childhood sketch books. Upon looking at those drawings again she felt a desire to create cartoons. From this she was encouraged by nostalgia to take pencil and draw as she once used to do.

Initially, it was considered as a hobby. She drew humorous notes on pieces of paper, comments she overheard or witnessed during the day. With increased confidence, she began posting her cartoons in places which were further afield. She sent them to newsletters to her local newspapers and even in online websites without knowing the result. Instead of this, the audience enjoyed them. People responded with empathy from all around the world, people who also felt acknowledged in their aging process, who needed this kind of sense of humor. We have collected her best 20 cartoons for your enjoyment.

Credit: Pinterest

#1. Calories don’t count

Source: Pinterest

#2. It would be great

Source: Pinterest

#3. Many hidden talents

Source: Pinterest

#4. Built-in Alarm

Source: Pinterest

#5. Wishing whole childhood

Source: Pinterest

#6. Not hurting anyone

Source: Pinterest

#7. Social Distancing

Source: Pinterest

Her work is clean linework and sketches that are accompanied by warmth, humor, and a kind of natural affection that can be felt and admired by individuals of all ages. She describes such inconveniences of ageing, the features of new generation technologies, and simple joys and difficulties encountered on a daily basis. From forgetting passwords, to the embarrassing moment a voice assistant misunderstands directions from its owner, to the comedy of family discussions, she finds humor in all that matters in life.

#8. Not Old

Source: Pinterest

#9. Life is too short to worry

Source: Pinterest

#10. Different phases of life

Source: Pinterest

#11. Can’t stop aging

Source: Pinterest

#12. Never Panic

Source: Pinterest

#13. My body creaks so much

Source: Pinterest

#14. Such wealth in old age

Source: Pinterest

In time her cartoons got into the public domain. She said that she created a limited Facebook account in which she constantly published her new works. The response she received through the comments and messages were inspiring. Some of them thanked her for the reminder that it is alright to sometime chuckle at ourselves, that humor forms part of dealing with life. Her work brought people together so there was unity of individuals who went through similar situations. Hopefully, you people like her blog. For more such content, feel free to visit our website.

#15. Memories in old age

Source: Pinterest

#16. Old age is golden

Source: Pinterest

#17. Getting old is not easy

Source: Pinterest

#18. Couple of times

Source: Pinterest

#19. Forget trying to walk

Source: Pinterest

#20. Don’t want to say

Source: Pinterest

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