Today is the day of laughing and the happiness of small things. Even better than anyone is one grandmother who knows this. She is not just an artist but an actual main character in her own stories. Her cartoons are funny on the subject of growing old. She knows she is going to get older, and with that she knows there are challenges that will come with it, but instead of allowing them to beat her down she turns them into jokes.
Old People Fun
Her message is clear in an interview. She says that there is nothing to fear in old age. This is something to welcome with humor. What she really wants people to do is that they should stop being sad about getting older and believe that there are many things you can do. She proves that wrinkles are the signs of laughter, gray hair a sign of wisdom, and forgetting is sometimes the most fun. The old lady mocks her and all of her friends how she and her friends talk about their health as if it’s the news of the day.
She also hopes that when people grow older, it does not mean they will lose happiness. According to her, laughter is the key to a young heart, regardless of how many birthdays arrive. By means of her cartoons, she spreads joy. What she urges people to do is to smile at their little struggles. Older people reading her drawings remember for a living that being with the younger generation is one of life’s greatest pleasures. That’s how she makes everyone laugh with her content.
Credit: Pinterest
#1. When you get a chance

#2. Begin to pick up speed

#3. Growing older can be fun

#4. Start the day with good intentions

#5. With Best Friend

#6. Big plans for the day

#7. My age looks older

Also further, she draws behind her grandchildren. Her way of capturing their boundless energy and their way of explaining everything to her, as if she had never heard of these things. With her art, she encourages them to think about the present rather than going back and forth with the past. She feels the best thing to remain happy is to laugh and to find pleasure in the littlest things because they are the easiest to enjoy life. With so many laughs, she reminds them that aging is just another chapter.
#8. Become more mature

#9. Try and act like a normal

#10. Drink Responsibly

#11. Things get better with age

#12. Remember the days before

#13. My greatest wish

#14. Sincere apologies

#15. Thank you to all people

Laughing, she believes, is her secret of a happy life. The number of candles on the birthday cake does not matter, nor does how many times a name has been forgotten. The true thing is to enjoy the travel, to find nice things in the little things and to share moments of joy with the others. A life of laughter ultimately is the good life. Whenever someone gets sad about growing older, she wishes they remember to smile just from looking at her cartoons. For more, you can visit here and here.
#16. I have sure gotten old

#17. Little gray hairs

#18. For all the young ladies

#19. Don’t mess with older

#20. Eat healthy and exercise

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