Welcome old friends to the blog. Today we talk about a grandmother who crafts people to laughter with her cartoons. She is not just any old lady. She is an artist of humor, a story teller of the aging, a woman, who finds joy in the little struggles in everyday life. Aging is not always easy and she knows that. Days when things just limped by slowly when old memories left and the body didn’t do the same. Nevertheless, she thinks that laughter is the best medicine.
Hilarious Observations
The grandmother draws cartoons of the funny side growing old. She is always the main character in her drawings. She talks about herself that she forgets in which she had put her glasses then finds it on her head. The old lady does play with the fact of trying to use modern gadgets and calling the fridge; the results are a call to her granddaughter. But many old people find her humor frustrating, and they don’t understand her perspective. Instead of getting upset she laughs at herself and invites others to laugh at her.
The cartoons that she creates are simple but they live. She doesn’t draw for perfection. She draws to bring joy. The cartoons show her wrinkled self with big glasses, a mischievous smile and a spirit that is unwilling to grow old. She pokes fun about how she and her friends can chat about the weather for hours and how her joints creak when she gets out of bed. She makes the daily life into a comedy routine and every old person sitting watching feels that she is part of it.
More Info: Pinterest
#1. Getting old is like frying beacon

#2. Don’t want to make anyone jealous

#3. Just get started

#4. Let’s see what happens

#5. Waiting to see

#6. The only reason

#7. Forget is the common thing

She spends all of her days observing life and laughing at everything. She watches an old man struggle with his shopping cart then sees herself in the man’s place drawing a cartoon about the adventure, the madness, of grocery shopping at seventy. In her sketches she turns their complaints about forgetting names into a joke. Because she always believes life should be enjoyed at all times, she makes every small moment big. That’s how she gets the ideas for her cartoons.
#8. Get through a rough day

#9. Like to eat a lot

#10. Don’t apologize

#11. Loosing weight

#12. Truth about getting old

#13. My younger days

#14. Mental notes are written

#15. Growing old is hard work

Seniors are known for her cartoons. They all are watching to see what she will draw next. Her work makes people feel young again, says they, it brings them to their tongue. This helps them to realize that you shouldn’t take the life too seriously. Her work is not about her aging; her work is about living with joy and humor. She is proof that a passion is never too late to find and share it with the world. If you ever have the urge to get frustrated with little things in life just take a break, come over here and here and have a good laugh.
#16. Brag to your friends

#17. Who locked me up

#18. Don’t worry about getting older

#19. Never enough time

#20. Light travels faster than sound

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