20 Amusing Pictures Shows That How Life In Old Age Looks Like

At some point, wisdom does appear in the most peculiar manner. There is this old woman who had an interesting way of passing her stories and wisdom around. She uses hand-drawn cartoons as a way to share with her audience, and her life perspective, humor, and inspiration. They are all based on her own life. She employs her cartoons to share her daily experiences, ideas and opinions. These images are quite basic, but the effect is profound; each image has a descriptively worded title. Let me analyze her content in this blog.

Life in Old Age

What I love about her work is that she interacts with people. These cartoons are real life situations which people go through but they cannot remember about it. She takes such ordinary events and makes them bright and amusing. Her art makes people realize that there is always good and bad and a funny side to it. Her style is very plain yet artistic at the same time. She do not require that her clothes should have very many designs or very complex themes. Instead, she goes for the real emotions and real life situations.

She does not hide the truth in her work and people can easily identify with her. Her cartoons are also a depiction of her courage as this old woman. She’s able to let her audience in on the joys of life as well as the struggles, the laughter as well as the tears. It such a motivational lesson because she always knows how to make people laugh at any given circumstance. Here are some of our collection of her best cartoons for you to view. Feel free to read the next section if you’re interested in them.

Credit: Pinterest

#1. Life would be unstoppable

#2. Relax before bed time

#3. Just got a ride that broom

#4. It’s just one of those mornings

#5. All the blessings upon me and a long life

#6. Built from every mistake

#7. Sit quietly and enjoy mother nature

A major subject in her work is the process of aging. She handles it in a way that is quite unique and something interesting. Rather than focus on the negative aspects of aging, she embraces the knowledge as well as the liberty that is associated with it. Her cartoons tell us that life does not pause at any certain point. It’s never too late to laugh or embrace change and happiness. She applies her cartoons for the purpose of imparting important lessons in life. This is because these are examples from her own life and therefore very genuine.

#8. Thinks about her children

#9. Filled with love and positive vibes

#10. She is crazy

#11. Crafting is my therapy

#12. This thing is slower than old lady

#13. No make up and looking like a crap

#14. Exceptionally Caffeine Absorbant

#15. Every moment of the day

She employs cartooning to pass important messages in people’s lives. These are her real life lessons which she has learnt and shared them in a very emotional way. They motivate her fans to be okay with where they are in their lives, wherever that may be. With her work, she makes sure that every person is aware that learning is a continuous process. We hope you also enjoy her posts and cartoons. For more enjoyment go to the links provided below and here and here. Remember to share this blog with your friends and family before you go.

#16. Have a great day

#17. I can drink wine all day

#18. Have a good day

#19. I have everything I need

#20. Our lives are like fleeting moment

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