20 One-Panel Comics That Make You Laugh Out Loud About Horrible Things Old Lady Maxine Has Done

A line of goods and greeting cards called Maxine Cartoons features an elderly woman named Maxine. She is the elderly woman who is John Wagner, the author’s grandma. Her clever comments and funny quips have made her famous. In most of her cartoons, Maxine is shown navigating social situations and everyday life. She has a funny and perhaps strange perspective when capturing these events.

She conveys her thoughts and humor in a straightforward manner that can be amusing and a little unexpected. Beneath her tough exterior, Maxine has a tender side. Her candor is often driven by empathy, and when it’s called for, she doesn’t hesitate to be brutally loving.

She cares about the people around her, even though she doesn’t always express it honestly. Keep reading and following us on the site to learn more about her demeanor and behavior.

Please go over the next section of this blog and see if any of Maxine’s experiences resonate with you:





















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